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1500 Richmond Avenue, Brandon, MB, R7A 7E3
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Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat 10:00AM - 5:00PM
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New To The Country? You Can Still Get A Car Loan

New To The Country? You Can Still Get A Car Loan

You have to keep in mind when you approach a potential lender to buy anything that the big concern is mainly whether you are going to be around to make the payments and whether you can afford to make them.  Really, nothing else about your life concerns them. If can prove that you are extremely likely to be able to meet those two requirements you can  get the car loan in Brandon.

One question you might be asked is if you are new to the country? You can still get a car loan, though, even if you are if you can show evidence that you are there to stay.  For example, if you have a job where you are under contract, then that would help.  Also, if you moved your family with you or purchased a home or you have some other major tie to the community where you are living, then that certainly would help establish your reliability.

Another question you might be asked is why you are new to the country? You can still get a car loan in Winnipeg if you have a solid reason why you moved here.  Do you have family who are already residents?  Do you have a history of living here as a child?  Were you relocated as part of your already-existing job?  These questions might make it more clear to the potential creditor that you are in fact planning on staying long enough to finish paying off the loan.

Another question you might be asked is what your income potential is now that you are new to the country? You can still get a car loan if you can prove you have a long-term job and that you are guaranteed to make the money necessary to pay the loan for the entire length of the loan.  Bringing in a letter from your employer explaining your job situation would certainly be helpful.  You might also need a long-term resident’s guarantee they would help you if necessary. Marshall Motors can get for approved for your used car in Brandon, apply today!

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